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2022 Early Show Report

Yeovil & District Chrysanthemum and Dahlia Society held their open early show the weekend of 17th & 18th September.


After a break for 2 years the society were pleased to hold the show again, particularly as it was celebrating the 60th show that the society had held.


Although the weather had been somewhat unkind to exhibitors, it was good to see a decent entry in both the dahlia and chrysanthemum classes.


The Southwest of England Dahlia Championship was supported by 3 entries. The judges awarded the 1st prize to Darren Hickling of Midsomer Norton for his entry of Twilight Boy, Sheval Megan and Mary Margaret Rose.


A new trophy had kindly been gifted to us by Chris Burnett and this was won by Roger Downting for his entry of Polverton Kristobel and Rogers Choice.


Roger also went onto win the 60th Anniversary Prize along with the NDS Silver and Bronze Medal.


Although numbers were down on the Chrysanthemum entries, it was wonderful to see such a fantastic display of quality blooms.


The Southwest of England Championship was won by Fred Swabey from Plymouth for his entry of Yellow and Primrose Billy Bell. Fred was also awarded the NCS Silver Medal and the NCS Certificate of Merit.


John Cockwill of Okehampton was awarded the supreme championship along with the NCS Bronze Medal

The medium championship was won by Roger Gulley for his entry of Salmon Wingfield, Rita Fix & Yellow Wingfield.


Harry Godden took home the Westland Trophy for his 3 vases of exhibition sprays in the spray championship.


The society would like to thank all exhibitors and the judges that made this a successful show.


We look forward to seeing you all at the 76th late show and tuber sale on Saturday 19th and Sunday 20th November 2022



Congratulations to all our winners - below is a list of the main awards at the early show.



South West of England Championship

Fred Swabey

Supreme Championship

John Cockwill

Medium Championship

Roger Gulley

Best Chrysanthemum Vase or Exhibit (NCS Silver Medal)

Fred Swabey

Second Best Chrysanthemum Vase or Exhibit (NCS Bronze)

John Cockwill

Best Vase of Incurved

Roger Gulley

Best Exhibit of Sprays

Harry Godden

Chrysanthemum Novice

Not awarded

Most Points Chrysanthemum classes


John Cockwill

NCS Certificate of Merit

Fred Swabey

South West of England Dahlia Championship

Darren Hickling



Walter Burroughs Memorial Shield

Roger Downting

Best Pompon Exhibit

GRaham Edwards

Best Dahlia Vase in the Show (NDS Silver Medal)

Roger Downting

Secon Best Dahlia Vase in the Show (NDS Bronze)

Roger Downting

Best Novice Exhibit

Carol Bennett

Best Exhibit in Travellers Classes

Ian Clemens

Highest points in Dahlia Classes

Roger Downting

60th Anniversary Championship

Roger Downting

Chris Burnett Trophy

Roger Downting

©2024 by Yeovil & District Chrysanthemum & Dahlia Society. Created with

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